Faith Statement
We are a community of those who believe in God the Father,
in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit - one God; who are repentant of sin and have been saved by personal faith
in Jesus Christ through His atoning death and resurrection; who publicly confess their faith and who are committed to the
church's aims and functions.
The true humanity and Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The atonement
made on the cross by our Lord for the sin of the world.
The person of the Holy Spirit as the one who
sets apart, empowers,
and imparts spiritual gifts to the church.
The inspiration of the Bible
and its authority in all matters of faith and practice.
Salvation and membership in the Church by faith
in Christ alone.
The immersion of believers as the scriptural form of water baptism.
Christians are a rather large group of people who believe
that Jesus is God's Son, and he came to our planet so we could see what God is like. The life of Jesus on earth was an example
for us, and his death paves the way to bring us into God's family.
The Bible has several pictures
of what it means to become a Christian. For some, the change is so radical, it is like being born all over again. For everyone
it is reconciliation. We were made to live as friends of God, pleasing him by doing what he wants. We need reconciling because,
instead of doing what he wants, our inclination is to live self-centered lives. It is not just that we are wayward in what
we have done, it is who we are that is faulty. Faulty individuals make for a faulty society. We read about what results in
the papers every day.
God calls for a U-turn. He asks us to put our trust in Him,
and to believe that through Jesus we can be forgiven, given a clean slate, and have a whole new start. It is simply a matter
of us putting our lives totally into God's hands. If God had a plan for all people everywhere, it would have to be simple.
And simple it is, but profound. It is totally dependent on God's favour toward us who don't deserve it. We don't do anything
except trust him. Christians say that it is the most wonderful thing that a person can do.
If you would like
to become a Christian you can do it now by talking to God. The exact words don't matter, it's not a matter of reciting a formula
but entering a relationship. You could say something like this:
"God, here I am, and I could use
a new beginning. I know that I haven't been living to please you, but I want to now. Thank you for sending Jesus into our
world to die for me. I trust him to forgive me. I now want to give him first place in my life and to live for him."
to God like that is powerful stuff! When done sincerely, it makes you a son or daughter of God. It makes you a new Christian.
Of course that is just the beginning, as a new Christian you need to grow. The best way to do that is to get in touch with
other Christians.